You will need a stand mixer with whisk attachment, piping bags and plain 5mm nozzle, baking trays and silicone mats.
175g Ground almonds
175g Icing sugar
116g Egg white(weighed as 2 x 58g amounts – keep them separately)
35g Water
175g Caster sugar
This macaron recipe was given to me when my mum and I went to Victoria’s kitchen in Woking, where the pastry chef taught us the perfect way to make macarons. I continued to experiment at home and decided my favourite flavour was lemon, I added lemon zest to the almond mixture and used lemon curd to sandwich the macaron shells together. Once you have perfected the recipe you can play around with flavours to.
Set oven to 140c. In a food processor place the ground almonds and icing sugar, and blitz together for 2 minutes |
Take a small saucepan and combine the sugar and water, bring to the boil an take up to 118c. When the sugar reaches 110c start to whisk one lot of the egg whites in a stand mixer, once you have a semi firm meringue and the syrup has reached the 118c slowly poor in the syrup, avoiding hitting the whisk. |
Continuing whisking the meringue until it has cooled, at this stage add your desired colouring. |
Take the ground almonds and icing sugar and add the second lot of egg white and mix until you have a smooth paste. Take a third of the meringue mixture and add it to the almond paste and mix until combined, add another third and then the last, keep mixing until the surface appears to be shiny and it settles like self-levelling cement, (this is crucial to get right!) |
Spoon the mixture into your piping bag (you may need two)Pip rounds onto your silicone mat, leaving plenty of space around them as they will spread. |
Once the tray is full, you need to lift it up and drop it on to the work top, this allows any bubbles to escape and the macarons to settle. Allow the macarons to rest until a skin is formed, this means you can touch them without getting sticky finger. |
Bake in the oven at 140c for 15 minutes, remove from the oven and allow to cool, before you try and take them off the tray. |